Pothos GraphQL


    Defining Union Types

    Union types are defined with a list of object types:

    const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{
      Objects: {
        GiraffeStringFact: { factKind: 'string'; fact: string };
        GiraffeNumericFact: { factKind: 'number'; fact: string; value: number };
    builder.objectType('GiraffeStringFact', {
      fields: (t) => ({
        fact: t.exposeString('fact', {}),
    const GiraffeNumericFact = builder.objectType('GiraffeNumericFact', {
      fields: (t) => ({
        fact: t.exposeString('fact', {}),
        value: t.exposeFloat('value', {}),
    const GiraffeFact = builder.unionType('GiraffeFact', {
      types: ['GiraffeStringFact', GiraffeNumericFact],
      resolveType: (fact) => {
        switch (fact.factKind) {
          case 'number':
            return GiraffeNumericFact;
          case 'string':
            return 'GiraffeStringFact';

    The types array can either contain Object type names defined in SchemaTypes, or and Object Ref created by object type. builder.objectType, builder.objectRef or other method, or a class that was used to implement an object type.

    The resolveType function will be called with each item returned by a field that returns the unionType, and is used to determine which concrete the value corresponds to. It is usually good to have a shared property you can use to differentiate your union members.

    Using Union Types

    builder.queryField('giraffeFacts', (t) =>
        type: [GiraffeFact],
        resolve: () => {
          const fact1 = {
            factKind: 'string',
            fact: 'A giraffe’s spots are much like human fingerprints. No two individual giraffes have exactly the same pattern',
          } as const;
          const fact2 = {
            factKind: 'number',
            fact: 'Top speed (MPH)',
            value: 35,
          } as const;
          return [fact1, fact2];